One of my favorite portraits!

I had to hunt through my flat files today for a painting that a client wants to use that has to be modified for the project. I am kind of organized? in that I have some art in labeled folders and big envelopes - but it can still be time consuming to find something. And while searching I saw this portrait that's one of my favorites - of Keeva that I painted when I was on a retreat in Bali. I had my own little house and backyard, and covered porch that became my painting studio, in an airbnb family compound where I could join in communal meals if I wanted - and there were other guests, but my place was totally private so if I didn't want to socialize I could be alone. It was pretty much the ideal set up. @keevadagg was a guest there and was also vegan - so it was so nice to have her company and she was a great sport to pose for me. I rarely complete portraits in real life like this. It has become apparent now that I like painting women in profile. ☺️

#portrait #profilepainting #greatmodel #findingbeauty #balilife #paintinginbali
